e all have witnessed, many times, how Polish victims of German war crimes have felt drastically humiliated by this expression - above all, former prisoners of German concentration camps and prisons.
What’s worse, we’ve also seen many examples of how this lie has caused confusion in the minds of young people from other countries, ready to believe that those death camps were established and run by Poland and Poles. This allows the perpetrators to triumph, and condemns their victims to humiliation once again.
Piotr M. A. Cywiński, Director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
Marek Zając, Secretary of the International Auschwitz Council
Janusz Barszcz, Director of Gross-Rosen Museum in Rogoźnica.
Tomasz Hanejko, Director of the Museum–Memorial Site in Bełżec
Edward Kopówka, Director of the Museum of Struggle and Martyrdom in Treblinka
Tomasz Kranz, Director of the State Museum at Majdanek
Krzysztof Skwirowski, Director of the Museum of the Former Death Camp in Sobibor
Piotr Tarnowski, Director of the Stutthof State Museum in Sztutowo
Piotr Wąsowicz, Director of the Museum of the Former German Kulmhof Death Camp